February 2024 Newsletter

Hi everyone.  Winter has certainly arrived.  Hope everyone is coping well with the mix of weather.


Registration 2024:

Register now and take advantage of the lower early bird price and entry into a chance to win free registration for one year!  Once you complete your registration, watch for emails and Punchbowl invites to events starting early in 2024.  You must register prior to March 31st to be entered into the draw.


Early bird registration fee this year will be $90 until midnight, March 31st.  After that registration will be $110. 


Again, this year, members will be asked to confirm acknowledgment and agreement to the club’s Code of Conduct by checking the Yes box.  Also, you will be asked for agreement for the addition of your information (name, phone number and email) to the members list.  This list will only be available to other registered members and only within the member portal.  None of the information you include in your registration (name, phone number and email) will be provided to any person or organization outside the club.


NOTE:  In order to attend 2024 events, you must be a registered club member.


Social Committee – Upcoming Events

As always, we will once again be looking for event/cruise ideas and suggestions from the membership.  If you want to share any ideas, please contact Bob (socialdirector@capitalcorvetteclub.ca). 


Saturday, February 7th – Cruise-In (Mr. B’s Osteria, 2446 Bank St, Towngate Shopping Mall)

-Punchbowl already sent.  Please respond asap so that we have the correct number for the reservation.


Saturday, March 18th – Bowling and Potluck

-Punchbowl invite coming soon.


Information on upcoming events is always posted and updated on the CCC website under the Events tab at the following link:  https://capitalcorvetteclub.ca/events-2/


Annual General Meeting 2024

A separate email will be going out in early spring for this meeting.  Date and logistics are being determined.  We will try to conduct the meeting during an event to enable a good showing of members at the meeting. 


Charitable Donation for 2023

One last donation made from our Year End Party, as a result of the framed corvette picture draw (donated by Rick and Marie) and a financial contribution made by Bob and Lou Ann was in the amount of $342.  This donation was made to CHEO.  Thanks again to all who organized and participated to the events.


Looking forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming events!




CCC Executive