January 2024 Newsletter

Hi everyone.  Happy New Year!  Hope you all enjoyed time with friends and family over the holidays.  As you have seen, a Punchbowl invite has been sent for our first 2024 event in mid-January!


Again, this year, we will be looking for event/cruise ideas and suggestions from the membership.  If you want to share any ideas, please contact Bob (socialdirector@capitalcorvetteclub.ca). 


Registration 2024:

Registration is open!  Register now and take advantage of the lower early bird price and entry into a chance to win free registration for one year!  Everyone who registers before March 31st will be automatically entered into a draw for a free membership. 


Once you complete your registration, watch for emails and Punchbowl invites to events.  Remember, in order to continue to receive email updates and Punchbowl invitations, you need to be a registered member.


Early bird registration fee this year will be $90 until midnight, March 31st.  After that registration will be $110. 


Again, this year, as part of the registration process, members will be asked to confirm acknowledgment and agreement to the club’s Code of Conduct by checking the Yes box.  Also, you will be asked for agreement for the addition of your information (name, phone number and email) to the members list.  This list will only be available to other registered members and only within the member portal.  None of the information you include in your registration (name, phone number and email) will be provided to any person or organization outside the club.


General Meeting 2023/Annual General Meeting 2023

Our General Meeting was held on Saturday, December 9th, just prior to our Year End/Christmas Party.  An update was provided on financials and membership, as well as a review of social activities for 2023 and plans for 2024.  Minutes of the meeting will be posted to the member portal shortly.


A separate email will be going out in early spring for the Annual General Meeting.  Date and logistics are being determined.  We will try to conduct the meeting during an event to enable a good showing of members at the meeting. 


Charitable Donation for 2023

Again, this year, the CCC decided to support charitable organizations within the Ottawa community.  We were able to once again hold a drive to collect gifts for the Salvation Army Toy Mountain initiative at our Year End Party on December 9th.  The gifts were collected and delivered to a Toy Mountain drop off by Kim and Ron Rail.  As a result of our drive, a significant number of gifts were provided.


We also conducted a Silent Auction of items donated by club members and a draw for a C8 poster donated by Laurent Bellavance, at the Year End Party, which resulted in a monetary donation to the Ottawa Food Bank in the amount of $1700.  Thanks to Cathy and Bryce Durant for organizing this event and to all the members who donated items to the auction and to those that made generous bids for the items.


Stay safe and happy travels for those heading elsewhere for Christmas and New Year celebrations, and to those heading south for the winter months.  Looking forward to seeing everyone in 2024!



CCC Executive