July 24, 2021 Centenarian Birthday Drive-By and Picnic Cruise

To mark a very notable achievement (100 years), a member’s Mother-in-law and her family arranged a drive by on July 24th at her residence.  The drive-by parade consisted of vintage cars, hot rods and the Capital Corvette Club.   The Capital Corvette Club joined the Birthday Drive-by and then extended the day with a short cruise west of the city and arriving for a picnic at John & Sharon Van Schyndel’s property. The parade departed the Canadian Tire parking lot in Barrhaven and headed to the drive-by location, picking up the rest of the tour (vintage cars and hot rods) along the way.  Once the drive-by was completed, a short road tour headed to the west of Ottawa, lead by John.  After the tour we set up on the Van Schyndel’s property for a picnic gathering for some food and drink. It was fun seeing our friends that we have not seen in a long time!

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