We are already one month into the new year! Hope everyone survived the first month of
2025, either here at home or somewhere warm.
Effective December 30, 2024, we have changed the email address for e-transfers to the
Capital Corvette Club. All e-transfer payments must be made to
payments@capitalcorvetteclub.ca. This includes registration for 2025 and any future
events which will include a cost.
If you have added the CCC as a payee for your banking with the old email, please update
it to reflect the new email address. Transfers made to the old email will not work.
Social Committee – Upcoming Events
Important Reminder: Please respond Yes or No to Punchbowl invites so that organizers
have an accurate number of attendees. If something changes and you are not able to
attend after you have already responded Yes, please go back and change your response
to No. This is especially important for events where there is a cost. If you do not
cancel before the deadline, we will not be able to issue a refund.
Our calendar is filling up very fast again this year. Please watch for the punchbowl invites
and respond promptly.
Upcoming event(s):
- Wednesday, February 19th
- Post Valentines Day Dinner at Vittoria Trattoria on Riverside Dr.
- Punch Bowl has been sent.
- Saturday, March 15th
- Dart Tournament and Pot Luck at Canadian Legion in Barrhaven
- Punch Bowl to be sent soon.
- Sunday, April 6th
- Sunday Pancakes at Wheelers Pancake House
- Punch Bowl to be sent
- Wednesday, April 16th
- Monthly Cruise-in Dinner
- Location TBD
We still have slots open for those who would like to lead a cruise or host an event. Please
contact Bob Steele at socialdirector@capitalcorvetteclub.ca to let him know that you are
interested. If you would like to lead a tour but have never done it before, please be
assured that there is lots of help and advice available. If you have a favourite spot, we
would love for you to share it with us!
Information on upcoming events in 2025 are starting to get posted on the CCC website
under the Events tab at the following link: https://capitalcorvetteclub.ca/events-2/
Registration 2025
Registration for the 2025 season is open! Register now and take advantage of the
lower early bird price and entry into a chance to win free registration for one year!
Early bird registration deadline is Friday, February 28, 2025.
Remember, you must be a paid and registered member for 2025 to attend events in
2025. Once you complete your registration, watch for emails and Punchbowl invites to
events starting early in 2025. Our distribution list will be updated on March 1st. If you
have not renewed by this date, you will no longer receive emails or Punchbowl invites.
CCC Clothing
The webstore is open!! In the store you are able to pick your item, add your preferences
(colour, size, arm logo, etc.), pay and have it delivered to your door (at an additional cost).
You can also choose to pick up your order at the Gadar office (1120 Morrison Drive, Unit
50th Anniversary Celebration 2025
The official Punchbowl invite has been sent!! Please read it carefully and follow the
instructions for event registration and be sure to complete your registration and payment
before the deadlines indicated! If your registration and payment are not received prior to
the deadline you will not be able to attend. If you register and pay, but are not able to
attend, you must cancel your registration prior to the deadlines in order to receive a
refund. Information continues to be added to the 50th Anniversary page on the website.
Want to read about how it all started? Go to the 50th page on our website and read the
story (Click Here).
Member Birthdays
We would like to wish a very happy birthday to the following members who are celebrating
a birthday in February (based on database information):
- Bruce Dwyer February 3rd
- Elke Oppenger February 3rd
- Suzanne Mcphedran February 4th
- Jacques Maillet February 5th
- Tony Testa February 11th
- Rick Charron February 14th
- Pam Hall February 16th
Looking forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year!
Capital Corvette Club Board
50th Anniversary (1975-2025) Celebration: Coming Soon